viernes, 24 de agosto de 2018

The last post in this blogg, that was very fast.
The experience to write a post about something of my or my interesting was... i don´t know... different? Because i never share my tastes or memories in internet, and that was the only moment in my life how i do this. It was something new, something from evey Friday.

(I share my favoite Pokemon without reason)

Writen a Blogg was a different form to practice my english, i learned more there i think, cause i had to find the  words to express my ideas. an that was SOOOOO difficult in the start, but over the time i could express better (I think, I hope) 
And if you ask me if i enjoy this, i have to say.... yes :3 why? beacuse none read the full publication, no, lie, that´s not the reason. I enjoy just because i think is a distraction for the other activities, and i can practice my inglish, of course.

Personally, i don´t like to witing comments because is still  dificlut, and i would really like to give better comments on the subject, but for the moment i can´t, i just like read. And i can´t find something negative about this type of activities, is different and funny, so - nothing bad -.

I have to say goodbye? :( 

viernes, 10 de agosto de 2018

Today, i have to write about some place and some kind of food that i liked. 
The problem is I like all or almost all the food, jeje, and i think i don´t have a favorite kind of food, because i can´t choose one, that would be very dificult, but, when i was in Aysen,  i was always going to eat to KENKYO SUSHI.
This is location in Sargento Aldea Street and! is the most wondefull place to eat sushi, korokes or ceviche, in fact they prepare the best ceviche. 

So whenever i could, i when there. Why? i think Sushi need a specially preparation, with patience and affection. That sushi has been the only one that has encrusted me.

In santiago i usually don´t go to eat to some place, maybe because is bored eat alone, without a person to talk. SO! when i want to eat something delicius or diferent, i cook my food. I like prepare sauteed vegetable, like mushrooms, broccoli, spinach, or wherever i have in the moment. Also i like prepare fruit smoothies, and recently i added vegetables. 
OH! I remember a place where a ate a marine paila, that was in "La Vega", i don´t remember the name of the place, but that was a good food.

viernes, 27 de julio de 2018

Today, i practice my inglish with ejercices in more website, was very fun, but in more of the activities, i fail, in one for example, i dont wait, was about listen, i answered incorrect.
one was about the part of the computers, that was the best, was funny, because i know more about this theme. I hope that next week  i improve my califications.

viernes, 20 de julio de 2018

4 Years ago (i don´t remember exactly the year) I decided to go up the "cerro cordón" (something very great about the walk is that i went to this place with a environmetal group!) i remember was a sunny day, was in summer, in vacations. the "hill" is located in aysen, and you have to uoplad for 4 hours to get to the end. i was to prepare all in the night.

Was the most wonderful walk in my life, i saw a big tree in the middle of the nature, i listen the song of the bird, something that few person can enjoy. I never saw in my life the variety of vegetacion, was a surprised to me. I felt like i was in Jurassic World, in any moment, a large dinosaur appeared and devoured us.

When we arrived, i realized that there is still away to get there. belive me, is a big "hill"

When i finally arrived to the summit, i feel tired, but my eyes never saw something like that, the place how i live for years was, for the first time, the paradice, the mountain range was in the disctance, there were many lakes. I thought for a moment that i could touch the sky.

One of my favorite food is lasagna, i love it, specialy when i go to my grandma and she do it, is so delicius. i like almost all food, but i don´t eat so much, just when i really hungry. 

I´m from Patagonia, in this place, the food is always prepare with meet, so, is very very dificult been vegetarian, but not impossible. In fact, i tried it for a while, for two years i didn´t eat anything that had meet or some like that, but didn´t worth, because a lot of the food have meet. 

Now, i have more posibilitis about food, i always discovere a new ingredient to add to my diet, some of them for exemple are a almond milk, soy milk and rise milk. In the morning i prepare soy milk with oats,  or a declicius fruit salad and that is my breakfast. is good because i feel more energetic.

when i was in aysen, i usual eat in family, that is my favorite moment, because the home food don´t have comparison. and also is when i most enjoy a meal. 

viernes, 15 de junio de 2018

Icarus & Sun

Instagram is one og the most relevant social networks in recent times, and i use frecuently.
Im going to talk about that, especially about one page.
One day i was in my phone, looking for new illustrations, when suddently,  i found something very interesting and very beautiful, i found @_picolo (a freelance ilustrator and comic artist) oooh! my mistake, i was in pinterest (other social networks) but doesnt matter. the story is the same.
So! i was vert impressed by those drawings. sprecially for ones that showed two "people".
A on fire Women, and a melted man, i searched more about that, and i discovered that ot was a tragic love story.
                                               Icarus & Sun

They are in love, but they cant stay together for a long time, because, icarus is a candle, and sun a flame. She can kill him, but he loves her so much he would never leave her.

In general i use mostly instagram, i like page about drawings and photograpy.
Well.... this is my favorite website, I hope you like.

viernes, 4 de mayo de 2018

The first how i imaginer when i listen "Santiago" is a very big city, with more build.

When i was in my city, everything i heard about santiago was "that is a ugly place" "you have to be carefull" "always Steal" and, in the TV i saw only misfortunes. Was obvious, i had a bad impression. 
But when arrive Santiago, my impression had a change. It was not such an ugly city. For the  contrary, i was very impressed for all of the place. it´s actually a beatifull city, not all, but more of the places.
But i can't compare the place where i lived. I don´t remember something how i like about Santiago, but i remember thing that i dislike, for exemple, the water, that is really bad, is like a water of the "devil", or the sirens, every night, i listen the sound of the sirens, or the sound of the cars. PEEEEP PEEEEP!
I thing many change for santiago, one of this is the color, in general, the city (or the place how i live) is grey, sad. Also creat more places with more trees.
Is very confused, i said "santiago is beatifull" but nothing like about this... but that is the true.
Maybe i can change my opinion, but in the moment nothing impresses me enough.

viernes, 27 de abril de 2018

I never gone to a real concert. (So Sad)

I really like to go to someone. In fact, this year, like an other years, has been made Lollapalooza, many artist was in this "celebration",  some of them was Pearl Jam, DJ Snake, Imagine Dragons, Red Hot Chili Peppers and others. 

This was my opotunity to see Peal Jam (one of my favorites bands) but i could´t !!!! 
I only can listened the bands from my window.

I still remember the day who i was going to buy tickets. Was a very intense day. I was to do a project for a class. But i decided to buy the ticket first. Always sell very fast, and there was me, with my computer, everything had gone very well (but not everything is perfect in this life). When it was time to pay, REJECT THE CARD!!!!!!!!!

All my word collapsed, I Could´t buy the ticket and I didn´t go to the concert.
From that day i cry every night. I still regret.
But is Pearl Jam, they always come back... like there song... Come back.... COME BACK PEARL JAM, PLEASE!   

In the later weeks, I heard an other concert of them... but, again, i could´t go...... maybe is my destiny. Ja Ja Ja D:

Resultado de imagen para pearl jam

viernes, 20 de abril de 2018

Geometric Hot springs

I´m going to talk about the geometric hot springs because i thing that is a very important and interesting project. This managed to change the way in which the nature, are in harmony with the flora and fauna.

This project was created by German del sol in 2002 and build in 2009. it´s location in Coñaripe, Villarica National Park and that have the objective to habiliti a natural hot springs waters to flow in plenty along a mountain stream.

Visitors can walk for a long stroll of wooden footbridge and disperse to find a hidden pool to take a bath alone, or in good company with much space to share or contemplate the wild natural surroundings.

The name in spanish is “Termas Geométricas” and that was because it is a work of architecture built with strong primitive geometric elements that can be captivated again by natural elements in the midst of the wild brutal nature.

The Geometric Hot Spring have a particular color red, this was because, German del Sol wanted to create a contrast with the green on the trees.

Very beautiful.

viernes, 13 de abril de 2018

In the end of the world

If i had to choose a places in the world, this would be Patagonia. I live there, but this place is so big to visit him in one day.

My first travel was when i was a little girl, i traveled to Puerto Tranquilo,  in this travel i knew the lake General Carrera, that was the best, i was amazed with the color, this is turquoise, and years leter i visited the marble chapels.
Then i traveled to chochrane, that is not my favorit city, but in the trip, i saw the river Baker.

With the years i visit so many place, like Cisnes, there i could see dolphins. Puerto beltran, was autumn, the trees had a yellow color in his leaf, and, that was reflected by the lake, created an only wonderfull atmosphere. 
The photo is in a viewpoint, "La cuesta del diablo", there is located nearby Puerto ibañez. In the winter there is very dangerous by the snow and the frost.

In an other travel, i visted the Laguna San Rafael, there was a beatifull and cold place, i really love it, because i never saw something so magnificent.

I vist so many places But i still have many others to know. 

viernes, 6 de abril de 2018

My name is Kriss, i am an architecture student. I from Patagonia,Chile. But in this moment i living in Santiago, Chile. I Like the rain, not the sun. I love the music, more if it is the 60´ or 70´. Love dancing with or without music. Iam part of the batucada. A lot part of the time, Im in an other world.
The Blue Chicks are verry pretty. I hope one day can have an ukulele.